A man should drink at least 2 liters of water per day to be healthy.

According to some analysts, the use of artificial intelligence in its basic version answering to 8 questions requires at least half a liter of water to cool the artificial brains.

Today we are close to reaching 2 billion users of artificial intelligence and there is still a lot of room for growth.

Assuming that half a liter of water for eight questions and that half of the users ask at least 8 questions a day, today we would have a water consumption of 500 million liters which in a month becomes 15 billion.

In practice, 250 million people in a day consume the same amount of water that artificial intelligence requires!

Numbers that lead us to say that water is really gold and will be an increasingly precious commodity.


Like energy.

But unlike energy where there are alternatives, even if complex and not all convenient, with water there are no real alternatives.

Therefore, the topic of efficiency on water consumption is central and will become increasingly relevant.

It is therefore necessary to put it back at the center and trying to maximize the saving of resources, thinking also on the practical side:

-Take note of your consumption

-Analyze and evaluate different types of sources

-Apply technical solutions aimed at reducing consumption

-Seek and invest in the sector, including cooling solutions

In Europe, it is important to underline that the costs for water vary up to four times among different countries and in recent years the cost has almost doubled.